Solve, Don’t Sell.
If I am out in front of my client like I am supposed to be and can identify and solve the challenges that are keeping them from reaching their goals, the business will take care of itself.
Great work gets more work.
… good work will get you fired. When we start taking the client for granted and stop treating them like a new client… soon enough they’ll be a former client.
Check the Gas.
Would you ever drive a car and not check the gas? Of course not. So why do we not check in with the client and give them an opportunity to complain. You read that right … give them a chance to complain. Generally, by the time they complain it’s too late … Create a forum for them to complain … The complaint is just an opportunity.
Implications identification
The work you are doing for your clients, whether great, good, or bad … you have created a new reality for them and an entire new set of implications for their brand and business. Point out where they should go next. Lead them.
Unexpressed expectations are planned resentments
Every client assumes your agency is like every other agency until you tell them otherwise. They point out what results they expect from you, so its reasonable to tell them what you expect from great clients in order to produce great outcomes.

“Start out like you can hold out.”