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Mark Riggs on Just Ask Jody Live

Organic growth expert Mark Riggs joins Jody Sutter to explain how agencies can liberate themselves from the RFP.

Winning net-new business has all sorts of upsides, like diversifying your agency’s client roster and breaking into new categories, but it requires a serious commitment of time, energy and money.

Why invest in pursuing opportunities from people who don’t know you when you might have just enough growth potential in your current roster of clients?

This might seem like an odd statement coming from a company that is focused almost entirely on helping creative services firms grow by winning business from new clients, but chasing new business at the expense of a strong organic growth strategy is a mistake

That’s certainly the POV of Mark Riggs, founder of consultancy Pemberton Worldwide and Jody’s guest on her next LinkedIn Live. His professional mission is to reveal to agencies the pathways to organic growth while changing the mindset of an RFP-obsessed industry.

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